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by Gudonit
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<TD class=menutxt height="15">:10,00</TD>
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<TD class=menutxt height="15">:1</TD>
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<TD class=menutxt height="15">
<TD class=menutxt height="41"><font size="1" color="#333399">
в0,00 AM, </font></TD>
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<DIV class=framebody>Rise Profit is a private group of
professional and experienced traders working on the
Forex and Futures markets. Every our trader has years of
business and financial related experience. After years
of professional trading we have joined our skills,
knowledge and talents in the effort to bring you a new
reliable investment opportunity.<BR><BR>Raise Profit
make a unique offer: regardless of the trading results
we guarantee you daily income provided by the
ever-growing reserve fund (we invest only 20% of yours
money, 80% goes to cover the investment risk). Raise
Profit’s team has good experience in currency trading as
well as unique programs of technical analysis we have
developed on our own.<BR><BR>Our trading system is
original: it's the result of the joint work of our team
and the specialists from several research institutes for
many years. <BR><BR>
<SCRIPT language=javascript><!--
function openCalculator(id)
w = 225; h = 400;
t = (screen.height-h-30)/2;
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window.open('?a=calendar&type=' + id, 'calculator' + id, "top="+t+",left="+l+",width="+w+",height="+h+",resizable=1,scrollbars=0");
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%"
<TD align=middle colSpan=3><B>1 year 2%
<TD class=inheader>Plan</TD>
<TD class=inheader width=200>Spent Amount (US$)</TD>
<TD class=inheader noWrap width=100><NOBR>Daily
Profit (%)</NOBR></TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 1</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$1 - $100</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.80</TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 2</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$101 - $1,000</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.90</TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 3</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$1,001 and more</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>2.00</TD></TR>
<TD align=right colSpan=3><A
your profit >></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%"
<TD align=middle colSpan=3><B>100 days 1.7%
<TD class=inheader>Plan</TD>
<TD class=inheader width=200>Spent Amount (US$)</TD>
<TD class=inheader noWrap width=100><NOBR>Daily
Profit (%)</NOBR></TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 1</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$1 - $100</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.50</TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 2</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$101 - $1,000</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.60</TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 3</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$1,001 and more</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.70</TD></TR>
<TD align=right colSpan=3><A
your profit >></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%"
<TD align=middle colSpan=3><B>30 days deposit 1.3%
<TD class=inheader>Plan</TD>
<TD class=inheader width=200>Spent Amount (US$)</TD>
<TD class=inheader noWrap width=100><NOBR>Daily
Profit (%)</NOBR></TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 1</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$1 - $100</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.20</TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 2</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$101 - $1,000</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.30</TD></TR>
<TD class=item>Plan 3</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>$1,001 and more</TD>
<TD class=item align=right>1.40</TD></TR>
<TD align=right colSpan=3><A
your profit >></A></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><?
include 'html/index.plans.inc.php';
?><BR><BR>All payments are made to your account from
Monday to Friday. <BR>Minimum spend is US$1 and there is
no maximum. <BR>You may make additional spend as many
times as you like. <BR>All transactions are handled via
e-gold. If you don't have an e-gold account, you need to
get one.<BR><BR><BR>Use our referal program and earn up
to 5.00% of referal deposits!<BR><BR><B>Our first level
referrals bonuses:</B>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%"
<TD class=inheader>Name</TD>
<TD class=inheader>From</TD>
<TD class=inheader>To</TD>
<TD class=inheader>Commision (%)</TD></TR>
<TD class=item>new</TD>
<TD class=item align=middle>1</TD>
<TD class=item align=middle>1</TD>
<TD class=item
align=right>5.00</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><BR></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- Main: END --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>
<TD class=forCopyright height=19>All Rights Reserved. <A
class=forCopyright href="http://www.raise-p rofit.com/">Raise Profit</A>